Author: RMC

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Congested and Coughing: Antibiotics use in Walk-in Clinics and Family Medicine

Congested and Coughing: Antibiotics use in Walk-in Clinics and Family Medicine

In the realm of healthcare, the judicious use of antibiotics has become an increasingly critical issue, particularly in the treatment of upper respiratory infections (URIs) by a Family Doctor. These common ailments, encompassing a spectrum of viral and bacterial infections affecting the nose, throat, and sinuses, are a frequent cause of visits to walk-in and...

Richmond Hill Clinic, Family Medicine, Walk-in Clinic, Mackenzie Health, Diabetes, diabetic management

Effective Diabetic Management: The Role of Dietary Choices

Understanding Diabetes Diabetes is a chronic condition characterized by abnormal insulin production or ineffective insulin utilization in the body. The Importance of Diet and Exercise in Diabetes Management Diet and exercise are cornerstones of diabetes management, working synergistically to improve blood sugar regulation, weight management, and overall health outcomes. While dietary choices influence nutrient intake...